REVIEW: Wayne white’s “cappy”

OCTOBER 26, 2022

review: wayne white’s “Cappy”

We love Halloween because, unlike Thanksgiving or Christmas, it is not a “family” holiday. Instead, neighbors are allowed to run wild with their imaginations - delving deep into their creativity to bring us incredible works of art. Whether you’re seeing a depiction of the tooth fairy ripping out children's teeth or clowns hunting down people - Halloween is a holiday that allows you to be as strange and macabre as you want to be all in the spirit of entertainment.

For the second Halloween in a row, Wayne White has brought back his handmade Pirate’s Head named “Cappy” - a familiar face that represents everything we love about this season. Whether it's the puppets of Pee-wee’s Playhouse or the incredible handmade animations for the Smashing Pumpkins’ music video, “Tonight, Tonight”, Wayne White’s hands have been responsible for creating some very iconic contributions to pop culture. He continues to be a prolific artist (and musician), and has graced his neighborhood once again with his giant, undead pirate head.

Cappy is made of meticulously cut, painted, and assembled pieces of cardboard. (White has become known for his cardboard sculptures and puppets that have been exhibited throughout the country.) The head is bisected by a bloody cutlass, indicating the fate met by the wizened sea wolf. A new addition to this year’s pirate head is the bulbous, bloody eyeball hanging from the pirate’s orbital socket - further accentuating his violent demise.

We are very thankful for the continued longevity of Wayne White’s body of work. His contributions to art are massive, influential, and vast - inspiring generations of musicians, visual artists, and entertainers. We love the fact that we can see such a horrifying and wonderful vision in our neighborhood and know that it was made by White for his neighbors to enjoy and soak in the Halloween spirit.


October 26, 2022

#waynewhite #cappy #halloween #haunteddisplay #yarddisplay #hauntsofla