November 3, 2018

HOLA 18.11.03 - Vanoaks.jpg

REVIEW: VanOaks Cemetery

VanOaks Cemetery is a poetic, bewitching yard display located in the suburban neighborhood of Van Nuys. Created in 2011 by Derek and Erin Young, VanOaks Cemetery has been treating its neighborhood to a supernatural graveyard complete with moving tombstones, shifting shovels, distant sounds of thunderstorms, rolling fog, and a vintage radio which intermittently plays music from the 1920s. The main attraction of this display is the ghostly chambermaid, who appears from behind a window as she floats by holding a candelabra.  

The beauty and awe which VanOaks Cemetery exudes is evident in the reactions of visitors to its gates. During our visit, multiple trick-or-treating children stopped by to ask Derek and Erin if “the ghost had come out yet”.......and on cue she would glide by the window of the house, motioning “shhhh” with her index finger as she looked at the children. This would elicit squeals of delight and astonishment in the children as they gasped in disbelief.

Derek and Erin have created a forlorn and eldritch tableau which tells the tale of lost souls who stir in the night. VanOaks Cemetery is always at the top of our list of Halloween haunts to visit, and we highly recommend this experience to all wayward souls.


November 3, 2018

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