REVIEW: the dreich society
NOVEMBER 8, 2022
review: the dreich society
Another new visit for us this season was the Inland Empire’s infamous Dreich Society. Located in Ontario, this home haunt has maintained quite the reputation as one of the best haunts east of Los Angeles. Last year, during their incredible Christmas pop-up maze at the 2021 Season’s Screamings event in Pasadena, their maze began with a psycho Santa Claus barging into a depressing Christmas party while aiming a shotgun directly at our heads - leaving us with quite an impression. After that experience, we knew we had to visit their haunt for the upcoming 2022 Halloween season.
This year's maze, “Nightmare”, takes you into a world of Japanese mythology complete with Samurai demons and Oni. (We saw a pop-up preview of this maze this past summer at Midsummer Scream. However, it was nothing compared to this breathtaking and massive home haunt build.) The path of the maze takes up the home's backyard and contains incredible sets illuminated by suspenseful lighting; perfectly timed scares; and most notably an inflatable set of rocks you have to climb and squeeze through in order to complete the maze. The final room has multiple layers you descend through as you see No-Face (Spirited Away), mouth agape, among the cherry blossoms.
Our visit to Dreich Society’s Nightmare made a huge impact on us. We highly recommend a visit to their upcoming Christmas themed pop-up maze that will be at this year’s upcoming Season’s Screamings convention. We were greatly inspired by this haunt, which put us in a great mood and gave us much to talk about during our long drive back to Los Angeles.
November 08, 2022
#dreichsociety #inlandempire #hauntedhouse #hauntedmaze #halloween #hauntsofla