REVIEW: Reign Of Terror (SPRING)

March 13, 2019

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REVIEW: Reign Of Terror (SPRING)

As we make our way towards “Halfoween” on May 1st, we are almost midway through to the next haunt season. To celebrate this creepy crawl towards Halloween 2019, Reign of Terror (@rothauntedhouse) opened up their spectacular haunt to the public this past past saturday for a special one night event.

Reign of Terror brought together their entire cast of fantastic scaractors for this night to frighten and horrify visitors throughout their eight themes that engulfs their 105 rooms. As always, their art production and special effects were superb. Every corner of the attractions offered a multi-sensory experience with ghoulish scents, cinematic lighting, and dense fog.

Visitors were enthralled and bewitched, and among them we saw many of our favorite haunt creators: Murder House Productions, Opeechee, Rosehill Haunt, Twisted Minds Productions, and the legendary Rick West of Midsummer Scream.

Reign of Terror’s special event celebrated the SoCal haunt community along with raising funds for dog and cat rescue organizations. We had a great time and look forward to seeing everyone in the Hall of Shadows at Midsummer Scream this summer!


March 13, 2019

#reignofterror #rothauntedhouse #haunted #maze #house #hauntedmaze #hauntedhouse #thousandoaks #losangeles #socal #haunters #haunter #halloween #hauntsofla