REVIEW: backwoods Massacre!

OCTOBER 31, 2022

review: backwoods massacre!

It is likely that when most people look back on their childhood, they can share an exciting story about stumbling upon some kind of abandoned shack in a forest. The blurred memories of a creepy dwelling that looks like something from a long forgotten nightmare can be very disturbing. You recall wondering if a serial killer was lurking in the shadows as you inspected the broken windows covered in cobwebs. Pressing your ear to the door, you think you hear creaking steps as the suspense intensifies - making even the slightest sound send you screaming as you run away. That experience and accompanying sensations are now captured perfectly in Jesse aka Redneck Reed’s “Backwoods Massacre!”.

Located deep in the bloody heart of Simi Valley, “Backwoods Massacre!” is a maze that intentionally omits scare actors and instead relies on the building itself to shape the personality of the haunt. Carcasses and taxidermy decorate the rotting walls. The sets, built mostly out of vintage shipping pallets, are dimly lit by hanging lanterns that reveal old medicine bottles that hint at this place being abandoned decades ago. Eventually you encounter dissected human carcasses whose body parts are being cooked over a campfire, and your biggest nightmares are confirmed - there is a killer who resides here.

“Backwoods Massacre!” showcases the unique ability to create fear through a terrifying environment in and of itself without the use of scare actors. The atmosphere slowly builds tension, seeping fear into your psyche. This haunt feels like a trip back to a thick autumn forest in the South where that shack forever casts a shadow over your childhood memories. A shack where someone who has gone mad can live in isolation, enjoying the ghoulish meals made from their latest victims!


October 31, 2022

#backwoodsmassacre #simivalley #hauntedhouse #hauntedmaze #halloween #hauntsofla